Some old post

I had an idea about bringing up, and republishing some old posts that I have that I never posted on this web page. But if you have followed my other blog page “Studio 1215 News” here on WordPress, you may have seen and read these before but anyway I’m bringing them here to this new blog page of mine for everyone to enjoy. All these posts had been around March – February of 2012.

No work No Money 3

Well here we go again, with this segment of No work, no money. I’m actually surprise this is actually becoming a good segment on this blog of mine. But for real this is a bunch of s**t here. This will make the second time that I’ve been laid-off. I’m telling ya 2011 is ending with a bang, of bad luck for real, for real. So ending my official last day at my current job that was seasonal, which I was aware of. Yes, I am disappointed that it had to an end, but yet the problem isn’t that it ended it is the fact of when I’ll be hired back. At first it was a two weeks, to a month lay off. But now it has become to be two months. Which actually kind of pissed me off. Cause the way my boss had told us. We had work a slow, but productive day to come find out that everyone in my department had volunteered to work on Christmas eve, for an hour, or so. I didn’t really care cause it was extra money in my pocket. But also, my last day of work. So basically, I’m not trying to have this ruin too much of Christmas spirit, which I’m trying to get back slowly, but surely. But I’m not going drinking my sorrows away. But yet there will be drinking going on. But after, New Year’s I should be ready if not before then hopefully. This won’t be another two-year drought, like last time. This time its worse, with bills and everything. But I shall survive this, like everything else in life. So dueces, for now, and again I will keep everyone posted of what going on. And please give me your opinions, and comments. Later!!

Location:Sycamore Dr,Lancaster,United States

No Work No Money 2

Well from the last post, I did say that I would keep everyone posted about this crazy ass situation. Which completely,and utterly f***ing crazy. Let me slightly recap what was going on. Ook now to briefly sum everything up. Ok I had transferred from my current job that was in Baltimore,MD, to Gettysburg, PA. Everything was fine until I was told not to come into work 2 weeks ago, to come to find that my current job had not transferred my working profile, or data whatever you want to call it from Baltimore to Gettysburg. So I was told to stay at home until the situation was settled. Now let me remind you that I had already worked 3 days in Gettysburg to begin with. The problem also was that if this wasn’t settled I could not work, also won’t get paid either. So I’m thinking that this was minor problem which ended up a BIG problem. So I kept calling the human resources manager throughout the time I was out of work. Which ended up being a whole WEEK. So of course my next question was of course. “Am going to get paid for the time that I did work ?” So what had happened was that they did keep track of my hours. “Thank God” cause if they didn’t that would have been a whole nother story right there. But everything was cool, I did get paid for those days. But what’s f****d up is the fact that whole time I was off there is not check coming for me on Friday after Thanksgiving. A time that I could most definitely could have used the money. Going on the fact that I would be working all or least a few days this week before Thanksgiving. But as of right now that’s not the case. It’s one thing that I apparently as of right now don’t work on Monday’s, and Friday’s due to the lack of work that is not there. But now as of the date that I wrote this post, that I didn’t work either which is usually a busier day. But same answer I’m use to hearing. “I don’t need you to come in tonight.” So for right now I’m wondering how the holiday work schedule going to be like in December. So until then I will keep everyone up of this situation. Feel free to leave comments, comments always welcome.

Location:Sycamore Dr,Lancaster,United States

Cant sleep 4

Well after surviving a terrible year ending to 2011, it is finally 2012. So January of the new year, starts off miserable. Not like I expected it to start off with a magic wand in my hand and puff. So I can wave it and all the bad things that had happened to me in the 2011 will all disappear. “NOT!!!”, not here dawg, not in the least. But getting back to my story. I had moved in with a woman friend, that I was seeing back in September of 2011. But I had left my wife, in September as well. Because of some major problems that we were having at the time. So I had moved in with my lady friend at the time. And I had lived there until the middle of January, she had stated that there were problems within our relationship. So I had moved back with my parents, which I thought I would regret. But actually my parents had been very supportive of me. While yet let me remind you I haven’t worked since Christmas Eve of 2011. While yet also I have not seen or heard from my adopted (not legally adopted) daughter. She is 6 years old now. Me and wife were talking when I could see my daughter, at this time I was living with my friend. But no sooner that I got kicked out of her house, and back to my parent’s house. “Puff” here is my daughter, at my parent’s house. Also, at the same time the period that I didn’t see my daughter, my parent’s have not seen her either. So when I moved in to my parent’s house. My daughter was there for a visit for a few days, so me and parent’s had thought. But we had found out that she had moved in with us as well. Her mother, my wife had said that she was coming to get my daughter, but till this day she is still here. Me, and my parent’s believe that she (my daughter) is not going anywhere at all. So we gone through January still looking for work. I had went to the welfare office by my parent’s house hoping to get some food stamps so I can get some food for myself, while yet bring in food for my parent’s house as well. Not like my parent’s need food or anything but it was for the thought that counts. Ok so after visiting the welfare office, I was denied of food stamps. At that time I was shocked, and mad cause I was going to school at the time. The welfare office had told me that if I was going to school, and not working any kind of job that I would be denied. My first reaction of course was “if I had a job, then I wouldn’t need food stamps in the first place” DAH !!!! But all in all that had fell through. So from that point on I was more determined to find a job then ever. So as of 2-14-12 I had started a new job. Hooray, hooray !!!! for me. So I started this new job where my orientation was at 8 am. Something I haven’t done in a minute at a job. But I sucked it up and got to my new job bright and early, thinking that I was getting out early, even though everybody at the orientation thought the same thing I did which was orientations don’t take all day for no apparent reason. But in our case that day, so after 2 pm that afternoon our orientation was over. So we thought we were going home “WRONG”. So we were put to work for the remainder of the day. Which was from 2 – 5 pm, ok so after I got through orientation. So I start working the graveyard shift at my new job. My hours are 10pm – 8:30am yes you see it correctly it is 10 hours. Something I have never done before until now. So I embraced this new shift with open arms, taken whatever is given to me at this time. In desperate need of a job. So after being there a few hours I had realized how ridiculously slow the time was moving. And keep saying to myself “I have to be here for 10 hours, 10 hours WOW!!!”. This is so tedious what my job description is. But after a couple weeks of doing this I finally got use to doing the job. But it didn’t help my sleep much. When I got off work, from day to day I couldn’t sleep at all. And then when my days off came around then first day of my 3 days off. That’s all I did was sleep all day, and all night. I was so use to sleeping for a few hours and then getting up to do whatever. Not this time I went to bed after I drove home from work. When I got off work that morning. All I did was sleep from the time I got home, for a few hours. And then when I did get up I got myself something to eat and after sat down watched tv with my daughter, to fall right back to sleep. And then after I put her in bed. I went back down stairs again to watch tv again, to do the very same thing again. Fell right back to sleep. I was very amazed at myself. Those days at work had knocked me the **** out!!! So again after working there for a few weeks my body got use to it. So I thought, so now recently I can’t stay up all night when I off work. Normally I would sleep most of the day away and be up all night. Not now!! Hopefully this won’t turn into anything real bad. But as always I will let you guys, my followers, and readers now what is going on. Later, Dueces for now.

Location:Sycamore Dr,Lancaster,United States

Can’t sleep 3

I have recently started a terrible habit that I hate. Insomnia, hate with a little passion. Because it like takes almost forever me to get rid of for me. Well it started like this I was off work this morning I don’t remember when it was but it really doesn’t really matter just the fact that it was in the month of December. So anyway getting back to my random thought, my girlfriend wanted me to go with her to see her 6-year-old son in a play that his kindergarten class was doing at a senior citizen home where we live at. And I agreed to go. So I decided to stop at Sheetz, if anyone doesn’t know it’s a convenient store/ gas station. So I went in a got Red Bull so I wouldn’t fall asleep during his play so I drank it, and watched his play. And if anyone wanted to know he played “Max” the dog in the play “How the Grinch stole Christmas” by Dr. Suess well at least the book is. But anyways, the play was great, and he was adorable in the play. But the point is that after all that I could not get to sleep til at least 2 in the afternoon that day. Which kinda made me mad. And ever since then I have been up ever since then after I get off from work in the morning. But with me not working now maybe I can break that cycle up, you can read that post in “No work, no money 3”. Last time I had this problem, I was working with a friend of my ex-wife’s boyfriend, and at that time, I was in between jobs then too, but this was like almost over 10 years ago. At that time me, and him and his other co-workers of his would always stop at 7-eleven to get drinks and etc. So what I always did was get at least two bottles of ice tea with gen sing in it. And I had drunk them faithfully for a month, the length of time I was doing roofing jobs before I found out that this is not my line of work. So yea I had energy for the whole day, and was tired and slept during the night until the next morning. But what I didn’t realize was that it stayed in my body, even when I stopped drinking it. So I think it took me like 2 to 3 months for my body to stop reacting to the gen sing from the tea. So that’s my story about me drinking anything like Red Bull, so hopefully this will end soon. Since now that I have the time to let my body rest. So as usual please leave me your comments on this post. Or on any other post that I have. So Dueces for now later.

Location:Sycamore Dr,Lancaster,United States

Can’t sleep 2/ No Work No Money 1

Well, like I said in the title this continued after I got up from having a couple of hours of sleep that I did get. So I human resources at my current job and they told me since I left the previous building in Baltimore. the current building( remind you I just transferred building not the job itself.) But anyway the point being all the information that was in Baltimore for me working there,was supposing transferred to the building. But. Human resources told me that they can’t put the fing information in their computer system. Which also since I not in their system I can’t work, which also means I don’t get paid. Specially since I did work three days last week. So I asked a question that really couldn’t be answered by human resources. Which was “So If you guys can’t get the problem fixed, then what?” The woman on the phone sounded like the cat had got her tongue, so the only I got was that they definitely try to get the problem solved by today sometime, and if it wasn’t fixed by Friday. That they would try to write me a check for the hours that I did work. Hopefully, by Friday all this crap will be settled. So until next time I keep everyone posted on what’s going on. Later.

Location:Sycamore Dr,Lancaster,United States

Can’t sleep

I can’t believe this back in June of this year. I had finally started a new job, from being laid off for over 2 years, in Baltimore. And in the midst of all this. I had moved an hour an a half away. So I started having trouble getting back and forth to work everyday, living an hour an a half away who wouldn’t! , along being sent home on a regular basis. Due to not enough work.
Now the more f’d up part is that I had transferred closer to where I live now, and a better commute back and forth to work. But yet at the same time the building that I work at. Doesn’t have the work either. So I ask this: what was the difference between working in Baltimore, and where I work at now? They both don’t have the work. The other f’d up part that I can’t sleep cause I’m worried if I’m going to work that morning, or not. And then once I have found out that I’m not working, then I can’t sleep to save my life. What to do, what to do.

Location:Sycamore Dr,Lancaster,United States

Rob Zombie Talks Insane Clowns and Crowdfunding His New Film ’31’

Rob Zombie Talks Insane Clowns and Crowdfunding His New Film ’31’

By KORY GROW | Jul 31, 2014 AT 09:55AM

Rob Zombie, who has directed movies like Devil’s Rejects and two Halloween films, was uncharacteristically uneasy at first with the idea of crowdfunding a movie. But that went away once he realized it was a quid-pro-quo tradeoff. On Thursday, the director launched a campaign to fund his next movie 31, offering the sorts of rewards he knows his fans want. “People have come up to me over the years and asked, ‘How can I get these props?’ ‘How can I come to the set?'” he tells Rolling Stone. “So I realized a crowdfunding campaign is not a guy on a street corner with a hat asking for money.”

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Over the next two months, Zombie is looking to raise funds for the film via his new website RZ-31. The director is offering up a variety of high-quality rewards to people who want to support the movie, including autographed posters, a chance for Zombie to follow a winner on Twitter, a winner’s name in the credits, a lifetime laminate to see Zombie on tour at any show and a gig as an extra in 31. Zombie will also offer selected props from his movies, including Halloween masks and giant crosses from House of 1000 Corpses.

The movie tells the story of five people kidnapped in the five days leading up to Halloween and how they must fight to survive in a place called Murder World playing the game “31.” The game’s rules require the kidnapped person to kill his or her opponent – a group of clowns called “the heads” – in 12 hours to be freed.

“I’ve noticed with all of the movies I’ve made that so many people get tattoos from the movie,” Zombie explains. “When you love something so much, you just want to be a part of it. And that’s what I think about this crowd-funding campaign – you can be a part of it.” Rolling Stone spoke to Zombie about 31 and coming around to crowdfunding.

How did you get the concept for 31?
I was reading this statistic: Halloween is the Number One day of the year when people go missing for some reason. I thought, “What an interesting premise for a film.” This is five people that go missing on each day leading up to Halloween and what happens to them on the 31st.

Clowns are a big part of that, apparently.
In some fashion, yeah. Very horrible, disgusting, violent, despicable clowns, which people seem to hate.

Are you scared of clowns?
Maybe when I was a baby or something. I remember seeing this Super 8 footage that my parents made of me at the grand opening of McDonald’s or something. I was a little older than a baby and Ronald McDonald was there, freaking the fuck out of me. I didn’t even know it was a clown. It was just a guy with a white face and bright red hair, and a stranger. So I was not too happy. [But] I’ve never had a fear of clowns. I find clowns fascinating. On one level, they’re very entertaining and on another, they’re incredibly repulsive.

You’ve said you want this movie to be gritty. Why gritty?
With each film, I try to adapt the style that I feel is applicable to the story. A gritty approach didn’t fit the story of my last film, Lords of Salem. I wanted to do something that was a little more grand; a little cleaner cinematically. For this, I feel like a very nasty, gritty, guerilla-style approach to the filmmaking fits the story and the vibe of the movie.

How far into the production are you? Is the script done?
Yeah, that’s done. We’re going to start location starting in about a week. We’re moving along. Movies have only two speeds: painfully slow and “now you’re behind schedule.” Right now, we’re in the slow phase.

Do you have a cast?
No, we haven’t started that yet. But we’ll get on that pretty soon.

What is the coolest reward in the crowdfunding campaign?
Getting your name in the credits. If there was a time where someone told me, “Your name can be forever in the credits of­ Star Wars,” or whatever, I’d be like, “Fuck yeah.” That’s pretty rad.

You’re offering masks from your Halloween. How many of those did you make?
They’re from one scene in the film, and I don’t know how many were made exactly. Maybe there were a couple hundred. Each one was one of a kind. They’re all handmade. At this point, some were destroyed in the making. Some were lost. I gave some away to people, because it was a cool parting gift when we ended the movie. But there are about 50 that I have left over.

You’re also giving away some big cemetery crosses from House of 1000 Corpses. Where do you store those?
I have a huge warehouse, because I need a place for my stage shows from the tours. We were cleaning it out and I found this huge crate filled with these crosses. They’ve been sitting there since 2001 at least. It’s a cool thing to get. If I was a big fan of, say, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and someone said, “We just found the original chainsaw. Anyone want to buy it?” it would be like that for me.

Another reward is a painting you did of a clown. How much painting do you do?
I went to school for painting when I graduated high school. I paint now more than ever. I’ve just been doing a bunch of clown designs and trying to work out the makeup.

Beyond the movie, are you working on a new record?
Yeah, I’m in the studio right now. I got off tour a few days ago, and right now I’m already working on the new album, which we’ll have finished this year. I want to have it done before the movie starts. I don’t want to come back to the record after the movie. It’s too long of a break. We have a ton of stuff written and, little by little, we’re finishing them up. We’re more than half done at this point.

Lastly, are you at all concerned about giving away a lifetime laminate to your concerts?
It does sound funny, right? “Lifetime Laminate.” I see so many people who come up to me and say, “This is the 25th time I’ve seen you guys.” I figure that makes sense. We still have many, many years left of touring. You can go, “Hey, why rush to buy a ticket? I’m getting in anyway. It’s sold out? Not for me!”

What band would you want a lifetime laminate for?
Well, at this point with the ticket prices, the Rolling Stones would be nice.

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Location:Sycamore Dr,Lancaster,United States